Does India’s GMO Cut the Mustard?
Amidst concerns that India’s GMO mustard variety could potentially hurt human health and damage mustard’s natural gene pool, the Modi government in India will have to decide on the status of the new seed. Chief developer of the GM mustard is Deepak Pental, a Delhi University professor, and he claims the variety can push up yields by 25-30 percent over non-GM varieties.
What isn’t clear, however, is the research behind the mustard. Here we see another case of undisclosed data, which often fuels the fire in the GMO controversy.
Environmentalist Aruna Rodrigues says this practice is typical of the industry. “Public access to the science and technology ministry’s official website on GM crops IGMORIS is barred and all RTI requests for data have been declined under the confidential business information clause. Are we to accept what they say on face value?” she asks.
The state-developed mustard variety ‘DMH 11’ is resistant to global biotechnology giant Bayer’s Glufosinate herbicide, which is far more toxic than the widely used glyphosate herbicide developed by Monsanto.

India’s GMO Mustard. Original photo:
With human health at stake, how do you feel about research like this remaining undisclosed?
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Authored by The Statesman/Asia News Network
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