Right after we reported on both gmo-related parts of the Senate’s controversial omnibus spending bill, the FDA announced its temporary ban on GE salmon, in order to comply with the new law the bill created. Here’s what the agency announced on their website Saturday (1/29/16)–
The Fiscal Year (FY) 2016 Omnibus Appropriations Act covering the funding of the federal government during fiscal year 2016 (FY16) was signed into law by the President on December 18, 2015 becoming Public Law No: 114-113. In part, this law directs that during FY16 the FDA shall not allow the introduction or delivery for introduction into interstate commerce of any food that contains genetically engineered salmon, until FDA publishes final labeling guidelines for informing consumers of such content.
The import alert applies to both human food and animal food that might contain genetically engineered salmon.

FDA’s import alert will keep GE salmon out of the US until labeling guidelines are defined. Click the pic for original photo.
Senator Lisa Murkoswki, who cahmpioned the addition to the omnibus spending bill, had this to say —
“This is a huge step in our fight against ‘Frankenfish’. I adamantly oppose the FDA’s misguided decision to allow GE salmon to be placed in our kitchens and on our tables, and I firmly believe that mandatory labeling guidelines must be put in place as soon as possible so consumers know what it is they are purchasing.”
See our GE Salmon Labeling Hypocrisy post for more on that.
If you’re curious, these are the products they specifically identified —
MULTIPLE COUNTRIES (PODS ONLY)(16 X – – 03) Salmon, all, Aquaculture Harvested Fishery/Seafood Products(16 A – – 32) Salmon (Humpback, Silver, King, Sockeye, Etc.)(16 B – – 32) Salmon (Humpback, Silver, King, Sockeye, Etc.), Breaded(16 C – – 32) Salmon (Humpback, Silver, King, Sockeye, Etc.), Cakes, Balls, Etc.(16 I – – 32) Salmon (Humpback, Silver, King Sockeye, etc.), Hot Smoked, Fish(16 S – – 32) Salmon (Humpback, Silver, King, Sockeye, etc.), Cold Smoked, Fish(71 D – – 01) Cond Fish Soluble(71 D – – 03) Fish Meal(71 D – – 99) Marine Byproducts, N.E.C.(72 B – – 03) Fish-Seafood Prod Pet Dog Food(72 D – – 01) Meat Pet Fish Food(72 D – – 02) Grain Pet Fish Food(72 D – – 03) Veg Pet Fish Food(72 D – – 04) Comb Prod Pet Fish Food