Fraley Defends Monsanto

Monsanto’s Robert Fraley
Monsanto is one of the most controversial companies in the the world, and lately they’ve been in the news due to declining share prices and workforce layoffs. Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer Robert Fraley tries to turn negatives into positives in a recent interview. The article begins by showcasing Fraley’s achievements, promoting his credibility, so readers “feel assured” of his expertise. Then, the questions begin to flow:
Q: Tell me about Monsanto’s financial position, since the company announced last month the elimination of 2,600 jobs and a 26 percent drop in share prices this year.
A: We had a tough year for largely the same reasons that farmers had a tough year. Grain prices have fallen, and on top of that we’ve seen a bit of a contraction in planted acres, both in the U.S. and around the world. Plus the U.S. dollar has been very strong. Like all good companies in the middle of times like this, we’re resetting our cost structure so that as we move forward, we can make the right investment decisions and be in a position where we’ve got momentum once the ag cycle turns.
The article goes on to talk about the continued controversy of GMO technology and glyphosate in Round Up.
To read the article in its entirety, go to
If you’re unfamiliar with The Walk a Mile Project’s first complete investigative sequence, which is all about Monsanto and WHY they are one of the most controversial companies in the world, click here to read the full sequence: