Chipotle – GMO or Non-GMO?
When you hear Chipotle, you think delicious overstuffed burrito, too much to eat in one sitting. But it’s okay because it’s healthy, GMO free, right? Well, hate to burst your bubble (trust me, mine was burst too) but our dear, reliable, go-to Chipotle may not be such a no-brainer healthy stop after all. Turns out, the meat and dairy served by Chipotle most likely comes from animals that have consumed GMOs. The disclaimers on their website also state that many of the chain’s beverages contain GMOs.
According to Fortune, Chris Arnold, Chipotle’s communication director, said that while the meat Chipotle serves is from animals fed GMO grains, “that does not mean that our meat is GMO, any more than people would be genetically modified if they ate GMO grains.”

But is it really GMO-free? Original Photo:
It doesn’t add up. If cows and chickens are eating GMO grain, it stands to reason GMOs are entering our bodies too, doesn’t it? The whole episode now makes Chipotle’s GMO stance look halfhearted, something that’s never good for keeping loyal customers.
The popular restaurant chain has received negative attention since a class-action lawsuit was filed this September alleging that Chipotle violated the federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act with false and misleading food labeling. While the company claims to be GMO-free, disclaimers on Chipotle’s website state that there might be GMO content in some of its food.
Chipotle, however, has said the lawsuit filed against it is “meritless” and “filled with inaccuracies,” according to Chris Arnold, Chipotle’s communications director.
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Original article by Sarah Berger — @sarahberger0408