China GMO Ban – Schools Will Ban GMO Food

Trying to get a good read on China’s stance regarding GMOs, but not having any luck?  Join the club!

According to The Library of Congress, China’s Five-Year Plan on National Economic and Social Development for 2011–2015 was to speed up the innovation and application of biotechnology breeding in agriculture. And says China seems intent on developing it’s own bioengineered seeds rather than importing them.

Yet, as of May 2015, while imports of GMO-derived soybeans and corn are used as livestock feed, human consumption of GMO-based food is banned except for cooking oil and papayas. And now this new law banning GMO food would apply to food stands and cafeterias in high, middle and elementary schools.

Will the GMO cafeteria ban stick?

Will China ban GMO cafeteria food? Original photo: Flickr:

One one hand, China is intent on supporting GMO technology, yet schools in China will ban GMO food?

The ban would affect the selection of ingredients often used in school lunches in the past, including soybeans, corn, salmon, tofu, and soy milk.

How exactly did this China GMO ban come about?

Legislator Lin Shu-fen, an advocate for passing the bill, said that studies abroad have shown a high connection between the consumption of GM foods and the prevalence of allergies, autism and rare diseases. “Soy is a major ingredient in Taiwan’s school lunches,” said Lin. “Genetically modified soy has been shown to contains toxic residue from pesticides.”

Lin stressed that though the amendment has been passed, it would need the support of education, health and agriculture ministries to ensure the bill is implemented on every level.

In addition, the Ministry of Health and Welfare would need to provide guidelines for schools and food suppliers to follow. At present, there are no stated penalties if the ban isn’t followed.

To read this article in full, go to

Author: renezimbelman

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