EPA Launches Superweeds GMO Investigation
With the increased use of glyphosate on GMO crops, the EPA’s Office of Inspector General said recently it will begin a superweeds GMO investigation and analyze how farm workers are affected by the toxic chemicals used to combat them. In recent years glyphosate use has exploded. A study released in February found that glyphosate use by U.S. farmers rose from 12.5 million pounds in 1995 to 250 million pounds in 2014 – a 20-fold...
License to Farm Documentary Stirs Up the GMO Controversy
Most of us believe our farmers are doing the best they can to provide safe food while being mindful of the environment. License to Farm, a documentary now available on YouTube, reinforces this belief by spotlighting various Canadian farmers and hearing their points of view. It’s similar to what we did here at The Walk A Mile Project when we interviewed Abe Wiens, also a Canadian farmer, in podcast #5, Walk a Mile in a GMO...
GMO Alfalfa Contamination a Growing Problem
Co-existence between GE, traditional, and organic crops proves to be a major complication, this time showcased by cases of GMO alfalfa contamination in the U.S. In 2011 and 2012, USDA Scientist Stephanie Greene and her team found 404 wild alfalfa populations on roadsides, and testing revealed that over one-quarter (27 percent) of them contained transgenic alfalfa—that is, plants that tested positive for the Roundup Ready gene....
GMO Cross-Pollination Crisis in Oregon
Two years ago, Jackson County, Oregon had banned GMOs. Last month we reported on two farmers who were allowed to complete the lifecycle of their GMO crops that were in the ground when the ban passed. Many Oregonian, non-GMO proponents have hoped more GMO bans will follow suit in surrounding counties, but the Oregon Legislature passed a law in 2013 to stop that very thing from happening. The law barred local governments outside Jackson...
Phillippines GMO Controversy Heats Up Over Court Ruling
Early last week we reported on the Philippines Supreme Court decision to stop field tests for genetically modified organisms. Then last Wednedsay, The National Academy of Science and Technology Philippines (NAST-PHL) expressed concern over the decision, worrying about its potential impact on food security and scientific research. The NAST-PHL asked the court to review the decision, “in light of the issues and serious...
A New GMO Ban — Philippines Bans GMO Eggplant
Growing GE crops in the Philippines hasn’t been easy. Many farmers became indebted because of the rising cost of GM corn seeds and the increasing cost and quantity of inputs being used. They also faced the emergence of new pests, soil erosion, corn contamination, plus human and animal health impacts. Yet, despite these problems, the Philippines is a regional biotechnology leader. GE corn has been on the rise since 2003 and...