Campbell Adding GMO Ingredients to Campbell’s Soup Labels
Currently, Vermont, Connecticut and Maine have passed mandatory GMO labeling laws, and in July, Vermont will be the first to enact it (pending federal legislation still in the works). Critics, including Campbell, speculate state-by-state GMO labeling requirements will prove confusing for everyone, but they feel optimistic a federal solution will be reached soon. Yet, for now, Campbell is voluntarily adding GMO ingredients to its Campbell’s Soup labels, because they say it’s the right thing to do.

Campbell is Adding GMO Ingredients to Campbell’s Soup Labels. Click pic for original image on Flickr.
The labeling of GMO ingredients is said to apply to all of Campbell’s products and brands including Pepperidge Farms, V-8, and Prego sauces. Campbell’s believes GMO labeling is a responsible practice, and stands behind its decision to make the change. Campbell’s reveals they will currently only provide GMO labels on those foods sold in the USA; however, are looking to implement the policy on a global level.
The labeling appears to be generic in nature, only indicating GMOs are in the product but not specifying in which ingredients. As was discussed in GMO TRUTH podcast #8, this isn’t exactly the most ideal or meaningful label. If someone finds they are allergic to GMO soy, for example, that person will need to avoid the product entirely if soy is on the label, because they won’t know for sure if it’s GMO soy.
Still, it’s a brave step, and we should give Campbell kudos for being the first major food company to step up and offer GMO labeling. Perhaps they’re hoping if they willingly place GMO labels on their products, consumers will eventually view GMOS in a more positive light and accept them.
Campbell continues to recognize that GMOs are safe, as the science indicates that foods derived from crops grown using genetically modified seeds are not nutritionally different from other foods.
But we know this GMO safety issue isn’t cut and dry. Speculation is rampant for good reason. And for those who want to avoid GMOs completely, Campbell is making additional efforts with the Campbell’s Organic Soups as well.
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