Canadian Skeptics and GMOs in Canada
U.S. citizens aren’t the only ones skeptical about the safety of GMOs. Canadians and GMOs in Canada have their own complicated relationship, which is reflected in a recent survey. A new poll has found that 57 percent of Canadians do not trust the federal government’s safety and regulatory system for genetically modified food. The Canadian Biotechnology Action Network (CBAN), which campaigns against GMOs, commissioned Ipsos Reid...
Top 10 GMO Benefits?
Top ten benefits of GMOs? Regardless of what side you lean towards in the GMO controversy, it’s important to listen to both sides. Think about these answers, and you’ll most likely find there’s a flip side to each as well. It’s back to Debate Team 101, but for now, let’s hear what claims are the Top 10 GMO benefits: 1. Helps Farmers in Developing Countries: Because GMOs can be created with...
Wales Says No to GMOs
The rest of the UK doesn’t want GMOs. England stands alone, as Wales says no to GMOs. The Welsh ban follows bans imposed by the Scottish and Northern Irish governments, leaving England as the only part of the UK in which GMOs can be grown. In theory, GMO policy is supposedly agreed between the 4 governments or “competent authorities”, but Westminster has traditionally ignored the wishes of its three partners when it...
GMOs Hurting Africa?
We’ve all heard one of the most popular arguments for GMOs: they help combat world hunger. But is this true, and in particular, is this true in every part of the world? Perhaps not. During a recent tour of farms in West Nile, Mr. Peter Ambayo, speaking on behalf of farmers in Yumbe District, said: “Genetically modified [seeds] are destroying our soils and will in the long run completely destroy our agriculture, which is...
Vietnam GMOs — Vietnamese Say Yes Please to GMOs
Last April, the Vietnam Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development gave the go-ahead for two foreign companies to distribute GM corn and seeds in their country. The two companies are U.S. based DeKalb Genetics Corporation and Syngenta Vietnam. DeKalb is a subsidiary of the world’s largest seed provider Monsanto, whereas Syngenta Vietnam is a localized unit of Syngenta, a global Swiss agribusiness that markets seeds and...