Is Glyphosate Toxic or Not? Let’s Talk Formulations
When the WHO’s (World Health Organization) leading cancer experts classified glyphosate as a “probable human carcinogen”, many GMO opponents hoped the statement would be enough to run the herbicide out of production.
But recently, the EU made its own big announcement: Glyphosate is “unlikely to cause cancer” said the authors of the new report by the European Union Food Safety Authority (EFSA).
How is it the two have conflicting findings?
Sustainable Pulse (SP), publisher of global news on GMOs and other food-related issues, quickly reported that what EFSA really concluded is this: Glyphosate by itself doesn’t cause cancer. But products like Monsanto’s Roundup, which contain glyphosate and other additives and chemicals that are essential to making the herbicide work? That’s another, or in this case, the rest of the story.
Take some glyphosate, mix it up with other chemicals, and you’ve got yourself a cancer-causing concoction. (Genotoxic means “damaging to DNA” and thereby capable of causing mutations or cancer). Remove those additives (or adjuvants as scientists refer to them), and you’ve got yourself a weed killer that doesn’t work.
Once every 15 years, the EPA is required to review and decide whether or not to re-register each pesticide. Guess which one is up for review this year? That’s right. Glyphosate.
We’ll see how this one plays out, and more on glyphosate coming up in GMO TRUTH Podcast #9 over at The Walk a Mile Project as well.
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