EPA Launches Superweeds GMO Investigation
With the increased use of glyphosate on GMO crops, the EPA’s Office of Inspector General said recently it will begin a superweeds GMO investigation and analyze how farm workers are affected by the toxic chemicals used to combat them. In recent years glyphosate use has exploded. A study released in February found that glyphosate use by U.S. farmers rose from 12.5 million pounds in 1995 to 250 million pounds in 2014 – a 20-fold...
Vermont’s GMO Labeling Law Under Fire
Since Vermont’s GMO labeling law passed in 2014, a firestorm of controversy has surrounded it. Most recently, the GMA (Grocery Manufacturers Association) has asked a federal court to overturn this first-in-the-nation law, while making a case to a federal judge to support this request. “The GMA has been making arguments saying there’s no scientific basis for requiring this type of label,” said Kyle Landis-Marinello, an assistant...