Campbell Adding GMO Ingredients to Campbell’s Soup Labels

Campbell Adding GMO Ingredients to Campbell’s Soup Labels

Currently, Vermont, Connecticut and Maine have passed mandatory GMO labeling laws, and in July, Vermont will be the first to enact it (pending federal legislation still in the works). Critics, including Campbell, speculate state-by-state GMO labeling requirements will prove confusing for everyone, but they feel optimistic a federal solution will be reached soon. Yet, for now, Campbell is voluntarily adding GMO ingredients to its...

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GMO Labeling: Are QR Codes a Solution? The GMA Says Yes

GMO Labeling: Are QR Codes a Solution? The GMA Says Yes

Last month, the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) launched a new initiative they hope will ease the GMO labeling concerns of both consumers and producers.  Shoppers can access product information by either scanning a QR code, doing a search on the web, or by directly visiting a participating company’s website. What exactly will it look like? Each individual product that participates in SmartLabel will have a specific...

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Chipotle E. Coli Outbreak Raises Questions

Chipotle E. Coli Outbreak Raises Questions

Ridiculous conspiracy theory?  Or conceivable possibility, that a giant food conglomerate or agro-chemical company is behind the recent Chipotle E. Coli outbreak?  Either way, a significant amount of drama has surrounded the Chipotle GMO situation from the start… With the E. Coli outbreak, the illnesses started November 18- 26, 2015, and, according to, as of December 18, 2015, 53 people were reported as infected with the...

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EPA To Limit Future GMO Corn Crops

EPA To Limit Future GMO Corn Crops

As we learned in GMO Truth Podcast #6, a big part of the GMO pitch was the reduction of pesticide use and replacing harsher pesticides with less toxic ones, primarily referring to glyphosate. But has the promise to reduce pesticides held up?  Now a voracious pest, the corn root worm, is amplifying the problem. As Nation of Change reported in late 2015: Genetically modified crops, corn specifically, has created a pesticide resistant...

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Soy Allergies, Chicken and Eggs — What’s Really the Allergen?

Soy Allergies, Chicken and Eggs — What’s Really the Allergen?

Do you suffer from soy allergies?  Can you name the top eight foods that account for 90% of all food reactions? According to they are: milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, soy, wheat, fish and shellfish. Soybean allergy is one of the more common food allergies, and a growing number of people are now trying to avoid soy. What most people do not realize, however, is that due to the predominance of soy in animal feeds, soy...

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