Non-GMO Gatorade? Gatorade Jumps on the Bandwagon
Organic, non-GMO Gatorade? We’ve talked about the irony behind PepsiCo’s Tropicana brand sporting itself as a non-GMO product (if you haven’t read Tropicana Non GMO Label Just a Marketing Gimmick, Part 1 and Part 2, click the links to get up to speed), but apparently, PepsiCo is just getting started. Most recently, they revealed plans to create organic Gatorade in 2016, as part of their initiative to re-brand a...
Brazil Fines Nestle For Failing to Label GMOs
Uh oh — looks like Nestle and five other food manufacturers haven’t been living up to their end of the bargain when it comes placing warning labels on their GMO products. In 2010, Brazil’s Consumer Protection Agency Senacon conducted quite the time-consuming investigation on GMOs, an investigation that discovered these companies were slipping GMOs into cake mixes, snacks and various other products being sold in the...
Phillippines GMO Controversy Heats Up Over Court Ruling
Early last week we reported on the Philippines Supreme Court decision to stop field tests for genetically modified organisms. Then last Wednedsay, The National Academy of Science and Technology Philippines (NAST-PHL) expressed concern over the decision, worrying about its potential impact on food security and scientific research. The NAST-PHL asked the court to review the decision, “in light of the issues and serious...
Alaska Senator Blocks FDA Appointment Over GMO Salmon
Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski claims Dr. Robert Califf, the deputy commissioner of the FDA, wasn’t straightforward with her about GMO salmon. Murkowski comes from the major salmon-producing state of Alaska and has been adamantly opposed to GMO salmon. It was just two days before the FDA voted to approved GMO salmon that she spoke with him, and he did not reveal details to her of the impending approval. Murkowski made it clear...
A New GMO Ban — Philippines Bans GMO Eggplant
Growing GE crops in the Philippines hasn’t been easy. Many farmers became indebted because of the rising cost of GM corn seeds and the increasing cost and quantity of inputs being used. They also faced the emergence of new pests, soil erosion, corn contamination, plus human and animal health impacts. Yet, despite these problems, the Philippines is a regional biotechnology leader. GE corn has been on the rise since 2003 and...