Agroecology or GMO Technology — Will One of These End Hunger in Africa?

Agroecology or GMO Technology — Will One of These End Hunger in Africa?

Agroecology, the application of ecological science to agriculture and agroecosystems, is still a viable option in Africa. The Oakland Institute recently released a report on 33 case studies that shed light on the success of agroecological agriculture across the African continent in the face of climate change, hunger and poverty. The research demonstrates a variety of techniques used to farm effectively, including plant...

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A Statement That Anti and Pro-GMO Advocates Can Agree On — And From Jane Goodall No Less!

A Statement That Anti and Pro-GMO Advocates Can Agree On — And From Jane Goodall No Less!

Jane Goodall recently gave a speech the US Department of State, and despite her courting controversy in the Pro-GMO camp recently (thanks to her wholehearted endorsement of Steven Druker’s Anti-GMO book ALTERED GENES, TWISTED TRUTH), much of what she said will likely bring both sides of the GMO Controversy together for once.  She spoke at length about inequality and saving the planet, and as reported over at Upworthy, 6 things...

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